reception-aged girl opening Outlast shed

Environmental policy


As a manufacturer of wooden furniture and play equipment Community Products (UK) Limited (the “Company”) recognises that its activities impact the environment, and acknowledges responsibility to take measures to safeguard the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.



  1. The Company is committed to continual improvement in:
    • maximising sustainable development and the use of sustainable materials.
    • minimising any environmentally detrimental effects of its activities.
    • minimising the use and generation of hazardous substances.
    • preventing pollution
  2. The Company is committed to compliance with all statutory duties and regulatory requirements and will endeavour to exceed them wherever this is practical.

  3. The Company will consider potential risks of environmental pollution in the evaluation process prior to purchase of new equipment or machinery, or the implementation of new products or processes.


The Company has an environmental management system that is accredited to ISO 14001 enabling it to set and review environmental objectives, targets and controls for the following:

  1. Product design – the use of safer and more sustainable materials will be given preference in product and packaging design. Products will be designed for end-of-life considerations. Packaging will be minimised while ensuring that the product is protected for shipping.

  2. Procurement – ethical and environmental considerations will be incorporated within the purchasing process.

  3. Production – the use of materials will be monitored with a view to avoid waste. Energy use will be minimised wherever practical.

  4. Facility improvement and maintenance – energy saving measures will be considered on a regular basis.

  5. Generation and disposal of waste – waste minimisation, segregation and recycling programmes will be monitored with a view to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.

  6. Pollution – actual and potential sources of pollution will be identified in the Environmental Impact Assessments. Appropriate reduction or prevention measures will be taken.

Policy setting and Implementation

The Board of Directors will ensure an appropriate Environmental Policy is in place.

The Regulatory/Contracts Manager will present draft policies to the Board, and following approval, is responsible for establishing the appropriate organisational arrangements necessary to achieve policy objectives. The Finance Manager is responsible to allocate reasonable resources to ensure that the requirements of the policy are fulfilled.

All Managers are responsible to ensure that Environment-related complaints and concerns voiced by staff members are brought to the attention of the Directors.


Staff members will be given instruction and training as necessary to enable them to contribute towards achieving the objectives of this policy. Communication will be fostered through provision of periodic progress reports and the encouragement of suggestions for improved performance from everyone.


This policy will be reviewed yearly and revised earlier if necessary in the event of regulatory, organisational or operational changes.

Reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on the date below:
